Thursday, July 17, 2014

Indian Hawthorns removal

   We once had a deck off the kitchen, but had to remove it because there was damage to the kitchen subfloor.  We found the damage while remodeling our kitchen and we haven't decided what we want to do with the area yet.  Build a new deck?  Build just a walkway?  Add just steps?  Change the french doors back into a bay window?
     When the deck was there, we had Indian Hawthorns around it, but without the deck, it looked kind of silly.  Wanting to extend our garden and to get the most of our yard, we decided to pull out the Hawthorns.  Now I liked my hawthorns, but I've come to realize that everything has to have a purpose in my yard.  If I can't eat it, drink it or make something useful with it, it has to go (there are a few other items I have a harder time making this decision with, but more about that later).

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