Sunday, May 10, 2015

The garden

Here are my:
The pepper plants (1)
The rutabaga plants (2)
The onions (3)
The potatoes (4)
The cucumber plants (5) yeah I don't kno what I'm going to do with the climbing.  I had to put them in.
The blueberry bush I planted last year.  Not producing yet, but I'm hopeful. 

Th peach tree

Oh so beautiful.  If all of the peach grow to full fruit, I'm going to have over a hundred, maybe even two hundred peaches!  I can't wait.  

The grape vines

I almost, almost pulled my grape vines out this year.  They have been in for a few years and produced nothing.  I pulled out the lattice from behind them and waivered on ripping the vines out.  I researched them again.  Seven years!  It could take up to seven years to produce grapes.  Now I will have to dig holes for the lattice again, but at least I see signs of grapes.

The apple trees

Today's progress.

The peach tree

These were taken about a month ago.

The apples trees

The apple trees, a HoneyCrisp and a Fuji, from about a month ago. The blooms smelled just like apples.  So delicious.

2015 Garden

This is the aloe plant that I bought at a yard sale last summer.  It grew too big for the pot so I seperate it.  In the back are my lemon and orange trees.